It's Chriiiiistmas!

This December it's been more difficult to get into the Christmas spirit. A combination of things have made this year a pretty rubbish one and although it will just be another day in reality, I'm looking forward to kicking 2017 out the door and welcoming 2018 in with hopes of a better year.
I have really struggled this December, I've been having problems with my neck and have been completely bed/sofa ridden for around 4 weeks now. The hospital haven't a clue what's wrong with me as per usual so I am left to my own devices. Neck brace and painkillers it is!
My mother also unfortunately fell quite unwell and was in hospital for 5 days, stress definitely increases muscle spasms! She is however recovering well, so we don't have to depend on the men in our lives to attempt to cook Christmas dinner!
Tomorrow will also be the first Christmas without my Nana, she was an absolutely wonderful woman and was a massive part of my Christmas every year, tomorrow I will really miss her.
In summary, I would be well within my rights to spend my Christmas day being an absolute Grinch, but I won't.
I love Christmas. I love how happy people become on the run up to Christmas. I love the cosy feeling that the run up to Christmas brings. I love that I get to spend time with the people I love.  And I just love love!
Even if this December has been less than ideal, I won't let it stop me loving Christmas.
I wish you all a fabulous Christmas and a Happy New year! 


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